Monday 9 December 2013


Last week was hard to want to get out of long underwear and fuzzy jammies.  With the freezing temperatures, the thought of going out for my km’s walking/drag, really wasn’t very appealing.  So instead I blew the dust off my treadmill (haven’t used it a lot since getting a dog) and went for a run.  I set up my dogs’ big pillow beside me hoping that my company would be enough to satisfy her and that she would let me off the hook for our km’s outside.   I was wrong.  She slept with one eye open showing little to no motivation but as soon as the treadmill stopped she popped up with her head pushed against the door, ready to go out.  Who could resist that face?  Needless to say, I put on several layers of clothing and off we went.  I have to admit that once out, the fresh air was fantastic, also was getting back into a warm house! 

The times I have the lowest motivation and drive are usually the times where it is even more important for me to push myself and stay with my routine (the best our life allows me).  The moment I strap on those boots or step out onto the mats, I am instantly glad to be there and always leave feeling uplifted and rejuvenated and looking forward to the next timeJ

Alana Regier

Monday 2 December 2013

Where's The Quality?

We have a project going on around our home that has had a stream of different contractors coming and going for the past 2 months.  Unfortunately, this experience has had me questioning whether there is any such thing as quality anymore.  I have found out that the days of a hand shake and of honesty, accountability and trust is a hard thing to find.  Gone also seem to be the days of customer service and quality work.  The sad thing is that this attitude is being passed down from the more senior workers to the new guys who will soon be taking over.    What is the point of doing something half way, just enough or just altogether wrong?  How can a person feel good with signing their name to a job that is deficient and full of shortcuts? 

As I have seen the shoddy workmanship and lack of accountability and the path of damage along the way, I have struggled with how to handle this.  I don’t want to fly around on a broom yelling (although I have found myself close to it).  I want to approach these guys in a constructive way, getting my point across and still have my integrity intact.  I’ve never been good at any kind of confrontation (would rather run from it), yet it seems I’m being put in more situations these days than I like where I have to stand up, question and call people on certain things.  Every action I take and every word I say needs to be thought out before delivering.  How I react is going to affect not only how this project turns out but also in the end how I feel about myself.  I don’t want to feel disappointed and embarrassed with my actions. 

On the other hand, we have had 2 crews that have come in and been incredible.  They have been efficient, done an awesome job and been an absolute pleasure to deal with, and I am grateful for them.  I only wish that they didn’t seem like a minority!

Alana Regier

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Always Something to Learn

I truly do learn something from every age and every belt level.  In yesterday’s Black Dragons class I got the opportunity to strap on the sparring gear for a few rounds with the kids.  These gals and guys sure have spunk!  Their smaller size and quick reflexes is a strategy that works well.  I got to feel what being the ‘big person’ in a match feels like (doesn’t happen often).  It’s a different match that’s for sure.  Although I usually think of myself at a disadvantage in being smaller than those I normally spar with, I can see that size doesn’t always determine who has the advantage.  Larger person = larger targets.   I just need to learn how to move and find those targets.  I guess I also have to figure out what to do with the long arms and long legs, especially when the Tymchuk bonk is attachedJ


Alana Regier


Sunday 10 November 2013

Taking Things For Granted

How easy it is to take things for granted without even realizing.  Take this past week.  Winter arrives, thermometer starts to dive, want heat – push button to turn up furnace.  To my surprise, nothing happens.  Depending on something that has always been available and in working order and have it suddenly taken away, means adjustments need to be made (especially if your furnace guy is going to be a day and a half later). 

I have so many people and things in my life that, without meaning to, I just assume that they are always going to be there; and be there in working order.  This is everything from family, friends, health, time, the country we live in… and the list goes on.  People and things we care about and rely on can be taken away in a heartbeat.  Take the time to tell those around you how much they mean.  Be grateful for what you have and take every opportunity to bless others around you with kindness, love and time.

Alana Regier

Sunday 3 November 2013

Questions Answered

Being a part of the Dragon team last year showed me just how much a person, when committed, can accomplish in the span of one year.  To see how a list of requirements, and being held accountable by an entire team for following through, can change a person so thoroughly is quite incredible.

When I first made the decision to be a part of this year’s Snake team, it was with the reason of wanting to continue with the momentum I had going.  I wanted to continue to set and meet new challenges and to continue to build on those already in the works.  I wanted to keep on pushing myself and continue to learn and grow.  It was all good and I was excited. 

About a month before Chinese New Year’s, I found myself questioning whether the habits and lifestyle changes I had made, would they be sustainable?  Would I have the motivation and commitment to continue on if I wasn’t part of the team?  Did I see the year of the Dragon as the reaching of a goal, done and time for something else, or did I see it as part of a continuing journey?

With all these questions, I have to say that one of the biggest things that I have learned up to this point has been that the lifestyle changes I made last year have stuck. Chinese New Year wasn't the end but rather the beginning of where I want to  continue to get to.  Although all the time spent in order to grade was not something I could continue to maintain, I have still instilled habits that have become a lifestyle.  My push ups, sit ups, km, log book and random acts of kindness are like that morning cup of coffee – a part of my day. 

I signed up for the team knowing full well what the expectations were and the time commitment required.  Unfortunately what I might have neglected to take into consideration was the unexpected; the things that come at you that weren’t in the plan.  I have also learned that life changes and as it does I may need to modify and adjust.  I’ve also had to make the hard decisions that make a person feel they can’t win and either way they are going to be letting someone down.  It’s not an easy journey but one that a person continues to learn from along the way.

Alana Regier




Monday 28 October 2013

Another Tiger Challenge Success

One of the best parts of Saturday’s tournament was, first being attacked by sharks in the Lil Leopards class and then being a part of the kids divisions (those kids are machines with pool noodles)!  Some of these kids I have known for a few years and to see they are still dedicated to and growing in their kung fu is really cool.  Could an adult ever learn a bundle from these little guys.  Although some might be a bit shy initially, they don’t seem to have the same degree of anxiety and fear of performing that I think a lot of us adults have.  They go out on those mats and have fun.  When it’s over, they don’t dwell on their mistakes; they move on and continue to learn, sometimes without even knowing it.

I found this year more nerve wracking than the previous years.  Moving onto divisions with black belts and the thought of competing with so many committed and talented martial artists was intimidating and made my legs shake.  To get up and fumble a form that I have done repeatedly seemed so silly and disappointing.  It wasn’t even the form I intended to do.  So what did I learn from it?  I need to jump on more opportunities to put myself in similar situations.  I need to continue to build confidence.   I know I have grown in the last couple of years with still a long way to go, but it will come.  Next year hoping for a little less shakiness  J

Alana Regier

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Tiger Challenge

This Saturday will be my 3rd Tiger Challenge that I have actually participated in (not as just the camera girl but on the mats).  It was my oldest son who gave me that extra push to finally step up and set an example; as he said “if I should, so should you!” He was absolutely right.  I had made excuses previous years and up to that point had no intention of ever going for my black belt.  Then something amazing happened.  As I was spending so much time practicing, I started to see things differently.  Up to that point I didn’t realize just how much Kung Fu had become a part of me and just how much I had changed and grown.  This was a turning point for me.  It changed my direction and focus and put me on the path I now find myself.

I know better than anyone how hard it can be to get up in front of fellow team mates, fellow students and instructors, but the benefits of following through far outweigh the fear and anxiety.  It is so easy to find an excuse not to participate in something that may gently push you out of comfort zones but the rewards of stepping up to the plate and giving it everything you got may just have some pretty great and maybe unexpected results.

Alana Regier

Monday 14 October 2013

A Childs View

Yesterday was my day teaching Sunday school.  Being Thanksgiving, we were talking about what in our lives we are thankful for.  Even though some of the kids’ answers may have been predictable and seemed simple, their reasons and thinking behind them were honest and heartfelt and a lot deeper than one initially thought.  These kids actually noticed and appreciated things that we adults are guilty of taking for granted or missing totally with the business of life.  There were also those answers that could only make a person smile; like the little girl who was thankful for her family, all but her older brother, and man did she have a list of reasons. 

I think daily of the blessings in my life and am very grateful for each and every one of them.  I am fortunate to live in a country of opportunity and to be surrounded by people and animals I love.

Take the time to enjoy and show the appreciation for the things that truly matter.

Alana Regier

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Crazy Week

It’s been a crazy week.  A week that a lot of personal things have required extra attention; therefore some other things had to give.  I made it to the kwoon for only one class (which sucks).  Some days the best I could do only included my push ups, sit ups and kilometers with a form here and there.  I have even found myself a day behind in my blog without the words to say what I want.  Not getting in until after dark and being as tired as I have been, this hasn’t turned out to be a great week as far as training goes. 

To add to a trying week, I find myself again in the position of trying to inspire and convince another son of the benefits of his kung fu.  As hard as I have tried, I don’t seem to be making much progress.  I think I’ve exhausted all my angles.  Maybe inspiration needs to come from someone other than his mother. 

Here’s hoping for a better week aheadJ

Alana Regier



Tuesday 1 October 2013

A Little Grappling

In last Wednesday’s morning class we did a little grappling.  It was fantastic!  My partner happened to weigh a little more and be a whole lot stronger than me.   It was a great reality check.  If I was ever to be attacked, it probably wouldn’t be by some little runt but rather by someone who was bigger and felt they could easily have control over me.  There would also be a good chance that it would end with me on the ground being pinned under someone with my breath being squished out of me and the feeling of being helpless.  Seems like a reasonable time to panic.   Fortunately, practicing in class with trusted fellow students is the perfect and safe opportunity to learn.  For those who have their reservations, or just a fear, what better place to first feel what being in the situation might feel like and then learn some tricks that could possibly get you out? 

Thanks Sihing for the dead weight reality check!

Alana Regier



Sunday 22 September 2013


Most of us had a hero we looked up to and mimicked when we were young.  It may have had you running around with a cape jumping off the couch arm or maybe with masking tape around your wrists, pretending to be Wonder Woman (ya that one was me).  What was true ‘back when I grew up’ is still alive today.  It can be seen everywhere around us, including the local grocery store with the little guys riding in carts with capes and a plastic sword or fairy wings and a magic wand.

Now that I’m grown, my ‘ heros’ come in a different form and are found in a variety of people.  They aren’t saving the world from mass destruction per say, but they are people who I admire, people who do things that make a difference, they are people who are following dreams before they are missed opportunities. 

This topic is one that came to me this week because of a friend and the incredible decision her and her family have made to leave everything that is familiar and safe to follow a dream they have had for years.  To make the very tough decisions and despite the fear, are embarking on a new and exciting adventure.  Fear is normal and I believe to some degree healthy.  What we fear, we respect.  It is when we allow fear to take over and cause panic and anxiety that we stop taking risks and we miss out on some awesome opportunities. 

I have been more than guilty of this many times in my life.  I find the older I get, the more aware I am becoming of the missed opportunities.  It would be unrealistic to think that I can change overnight and that I will no longer allow the fear of the unknown or the fear of failure to stand in my way.  However, as I become more aware I can make those baby steps.  I can start with some realistic and relatively safe steps, like getting on a plane!

I don’t know if this friend will happen to read this blog, but if she does I hope she knows how blessed I feel having her as a friend and how missed she will be by many! You might not fight crime or wear a mask with pointed ears, but you have many who admire you for what you are doing and wish you the absolute best.  Is it better to stay safe and live with regrets later?  I don’t believe it is, so you go girl!

Alana Regier


Monday 16 September 2013


Three whole days without continuous coughing and being able to have a conversation without stifling a cough, YAY!  Finally, after over a month, I’m starting to feel a little more normal.  I have been back to see my doctor and am on my way to another pulmonary function test tomorrow.

On another topic, blogging…  I think most everyone, including myself, runs into those days where you just feel you have nothing to say.  You put off the blogging waiting for something profound to come to you.  Before you know it another week has passed and you find yourself in the same position as the week before, plus you are now a week behind in your blogs.  Or perhaps you have a whole lot of stuff going on and just not sure if or how to share it.

My intention isn’t to put unwanted pressure on anyone, but Saturday’s meeting re-emphasized the importance of blogging for me.  I’m not a loud outgoing person.  I don’t speak up a lot with my thoughts and feelings in some situations.  This isn’t because I have nothing to say, it’s because I feel this need to pick words carefully and sometimes don’t feel it’s the right time to speak up or in some cases am scared of offending someone unintentionally (you can’t take words back and sometimes things are perceived differently than intended). 

At the same time, there are an awful lot of team members who haven’t been heard from in a while.  Are you guys ok?  Without hearing from you, it’s hard to know where you are or if you might be struggling and may need a little help.  There is a pretty good chance that whatever struggle you might be having, someone else has found themselves in those same shoes at some point. Remember, you are part of a team who cares how you are doing and are more than willing to help!  Instead of waiting and allowing things to snowball and get worse please let someone know.

When those days of writers block hit, just drop a quick note, if nothing else,  letting the rest know you’re still alive and kicking!

Alana Regier


Monday 9 September 2013

Cough cough...

Last week was kind of blah and crazy at the same time.  Trying to get back into school and activity routines, at the same time as feeling miserable made the week long.  Twice a year (sometimes more) I am plagued by what seems to be a never ending cough.  Everywhere I go people are dodging me thinking I am horribly contagious.  Honest, I'm not! Now with harvest and all the extra dust in the air I’m having a hard time doing anything without coughing and sputtering.  I’m running low on sleep and my abs feel like I’ve done 10000 sit ups every day.  I’ve been told after tests a few years back that it is a form of asthma.  However, it seems to be lasting a little longer every time, so back to get it checked out before I drive my family nuts! 

Alana Regier

Monday 2 September 2013


Growing up is inevitable and seems to happen so fast.  This week we are celebrating our oldest son’s 16th birthday.  Yikes! Here comes the start of so many new and exciting things (all requiring mom to let go a little).  Like getting his driver’s license and own vehicle and all the independence that comes along with it.  The last couple of weeks we have been spending a lot of extra time practicing for his driver’s test (while his younger brother very dramatically in the back seat wails “I’m too young to die!”).  With the day coming, whether I’m ready or not, is not teaching and preparing him the best thing I can give him?

In a world that is yelling ‘you are now 16 and entitled’, we have tried to instill in our kids that driving, like so many other things, is a privilege and one that comes with great responsibility.  It is not something to take lightly and with expectation, but rather something to treat with great regard and respect.  With power comes responsibility.

So here I find myself trying to remember what it was like to be 16, to let go where I need to and trust that what we have taught him and the foundation we helped build, will be what he bases his future decisions on.  He will make mistakes, like we all have, but it will be what he learns from them that will determine how and where he succeeds.

Alana Regier

Sunday 25 August 2013

More Determined

Friday night was a humbling class.  Not only did I have to admit to myself that things aren’t going so great but to my fellow students and instructors.  I’ve had shoulder issues now for almost 5 years; I’m not whining about it just stating a fact.   I have found continuous repetition of any kind involving shoulders, or even my arms, is totally working against me.  I have had to modify my repetitions to not include my sword, which really is only going through the motions and is keeping me from any kind of progress.  I’m not going to lie.  It’s frustrating and makes me question whether there is a weapon out there that I could do justice right now. 

Listening to Sifu Brinker remind our team of what we signed up for and the potential we have was encouraging to push on and to push a little harder.  The summer months have been hard but are in no way a legitimate excuse for falling behind.  I committed myself to this year and have every intention of growing from where I am.

I’m not a huge fan of performing in front of an audience.  However, I want to be at the level where I am ready at the drop of a hat to get up and dazzle.  Maybe I need to focus more on my hand forms?  Or maybe I need to stop being afraid of bothering anyone and reach out for some one on one help?

I may not look like the most graceful swordsman at the end of this year, but I am more determined to at least be a step closer.

Alana Regier

Monday 19 August 2013

Standing Up

I see myself as a quiet and reserved person most times.  When confrontation is in front of me I would much rather settle it quietly (or sometimes run in the other direction).  I don’t believe that everything has to be met with force or that there is only one side and believe that compromise of some sort is most times the best solution.  However, I also believe that there are those moments where a person has to stand up for what they believe and will do whatever necessary to protect those that they care about.

This past Saturday my son, our dog and myself were out for our morning walk when a neighbor’s dog flew out of the ditch and came at us.  This dog came so aggressively, crouched and ready to attack with the hair on the back of its neck standing straight up, ears flat and teeth out.  I pushed my son with our dog behind me and yelled at him to quickly move away while this dog continued to try to get around me and grab my leg.  This thing stayed 6 inches from the end of my kick and pushed me back almost 2 blocks before it reluctantly headed back to its own yard.  Why is a dog like this loose in a neighborhood?  What if my kids had been walking by themselves that morning?

After rushing home and a call to the County Emergency line (only to be greeted by a machine), I left my adrenaline sounding message and went back with my car.  Along the way I ran into a fellow neighbor walking and warned her, only to find out that this has happened before to herself and that there have been several complaints by those who live next door.  When the complaints were made, the couple were told they needed video footage to prove their case.  Really?  Who is going to think to first video an attack and then worrying about getting to safety later?  Why has something not been done?   What purpose do these bylaws serve if they don’t keep the community safe?  Where are the owners and why are they not being held responsible?

I’m afraid that this is not something I’m willing to just ‘let go.’  I could decide to just avoid that road and not officially make a complaint (which I will have to sign my name to and possibly make myself a target), but what about the next unsuspecting person who takes that path on their walk, run or bike?  How can I just turn a blind eye in order to avoid getting involved when someone may potentially get hurt?

So here I STILL wait for the call back from the County!

Alana Regier







Monday 12 August 2013

Spa Day!

Who ever said you have to spend hundreds of dollars for a day of beauty?  How about a package deal for only $56.00; this includes helping raise money for cancer research, a t-shirt, ears full of mud , baby soft skin (eventually) and a whole lot of fun.

 This past Saturday a group of us from Silent River proved that getting dirty can be loads of fun.  Imagine covering yourself totally, yes even in your ears, with a cool slippery coat of mud then TRYING to wash it all off with drips of very crisp river water coming through a hole in a PVC pipe the size of a dime at the lowest pressure possible.  Doesn’t it sound just like a day at the spa?  The only difference was having to cover 6km while coated in mud head to toe, having to go through, under and over obstacles and run up and down hills with the feel of slopping mud in your shoes.  What a great day!

Alana Regier

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Boogie Mans Butt Kicked!

Another great weekend that can only be described as AWESOME!  In the span of 24 hours we saw weather in Grande Cache change from hot and sunny to thunder, lightning, hail and rain (not a good time to be on the top of the mountain, poor Darcy).  Our team of 5 stuck it out and came out smiling even at 2:00am (thanks to the 2 little guys who tried to stay up).  The wet conditions definitely changed things; this ain’t a walk in the park at the best of times.

 I found running at night a whole other experience (also found out moths aren’t as soft as one might think when running and that they love head lights).  For someone who trips over shadows I’m not sure if meandering through the woods in the dark was a good idea but I can say I had only one trip on a slippery root which took me down; it so happened to be as I was trying to open my chocolate bar (stupid wrapper). 

I knew this run would be in the dark and in knowing that I expected to miss the grand mountain views and to see only what my head light lit up in front of me.  I was wonderfully surprised to find myself twice standing by myself on a ridge and a lookout with only the faint outline of the mountains around me, the fresh rain smell and the absolute quietness with the most peaceful and amazing view of the stars I have ever seen.  There truly is no way to explain how grand a moment it was. This memory will definitely be one that stays with me.

Although each leg has its ‘thing’ that makes it unique and challenging this one is going to be hard to beat.  I got the coolness of the night, the adrenalin of the dark, the ‘Crack of Doom’ (really cool) and the meeting and paying my coin to the Grim Reaper to get on the river boat to get to the other side and carry on.  How many people can say they’ve done that in their life?  I have tackled my fear of the boogie man in the dark and only thought for a second of the potential of running into a bear (I even decided at the last minute to ditch the bear spray, what a rebel).  I really was enjoying myself and the moment way too much to worry about stupid fears and the what if... 


As we first came into Grande Cache Thursday night, a sign in front of the school read “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”  I believe if a person takes the time to reflect on their life, it’s the moments that have pushed you, the ones that have required the biggest and many times hardest decisions, the moments you were filled with fear and the moments that exhausted you, these are the ones that change you as a person (hopefully in a positive way).  It’s these moments that help you accomplish out of the ordinary things.

I want to thank JC, Darcy, Shau and Vince who together made the coolest and most awesome team ever!  I also want to thank the husband, wife and grandma who supported and cheered us on. 

Alana Regier


Sunday 28 July 2013

A Bag Full of Headlamps & Bear Spray

Only 6 more sleeps and we are back up in Grande Cache for the annual Canadian Death Race.  A huge thanks to Sifu Lietz for filling in as a replacement runner at such short notice!  Those other runners on his leg aren’t going to know what just blew by them with so much energy!

This year I’m tackling leg 5, 24km and mostly, if not totally in the dark.  This go around I’ve had to adjust my pack a little and I have to say it’s getting pretty heavy.  Besides the mandatory list of equipment required, I have my additional gear just in case (toilet paper should so be mandatory).  Majority of my weight consists of 3 headlamps (batteries may be burnt out from me checking them repeatedly), extra batteries and a couple of cans of bear spray (not sure if I would have my marbles together enough to pull the pin and point in the right direction but I’m sure hoping).  I figure with 3 very bright lights that can be made to flash if necessary; even helicopters flying by are going to see me if I should wander off the path.  My back up plan is to sing along with my ipod.  I’m very confident that this will keep just about every living thing with ears away from my vicinity, plants may even wilt (just ask anyone who has ever heard me sing)! 

This year we just so happen to have a great team consisting entirely of Silent River students.  I have to say that there is a huge difference running with a group of people who are not only there to challenge themselves, but to also have fun and support one another; not every team has that.  It’s going to be an awesome time!


This year challenging the dark and boogie man, next year maybe Hammel!

Alana Regier


Monday 22 July 2013

A Little R & R

  After a crazy 2 weeks working long hours it was time for a break.  Our family took off west of Nordegg this past week to do some quading and hiking.  Nothing like fresh mountain air to rejuvenate the body and a view that lifts the soul.  I got a lot of km’s in, which is good for the death race training and made some miles on the quads to some absolutely awesome destinations.  As great as it would be to hike to some of these places, the time we have for holidays would never allow us to get too far, and our boys like something that goes vroom vroom! 

So now it’s back to the grind.  This week is the start of what potentially could turn into a fairly big project for work.  Although it’s close to home, it’s looking like it could still be some long days.  It seems bitter sweet; good to have the work but hard on the training. 

Well back to getting things cleaned up and laundry done.  I think it may be multiplying!

Alana Regier


Sunday 14 July 2013


Purpose.  It gives meaning and motivation.  It gives direction.  It helps one persist and persevere. 

I recently finished a book simply about purpose.  It reinforced the value of having a purpose in everything we do and how it can change how we live.  What changes us, also changes those around us.  Having a positive and meaningful purpose can better our mental state and our feeling of worth and direction. It helps us accomplish great feats.  In short, it can be extremely powerful. 

 A great thing to consider in every choice I make.

Alana Regier


Tuesday 9 July 2013

Long Week

This last week and a half has been a crazy busy one with limited internet access.   Other than Canada Day, I have been working long hours and haven’t been able to make it to classes.  I have to say I get a little grouchy when I have to miss classes and or meetings (my family would agree with me whole heartedly on this one).  Unfortunately, need to pay the bills.  I seem to be getting a little taste of what some of the guys working out of town feel like, you definitely have an extra challenge.

Missing church on Sundays and missing classes throughout the week can make a person feel pretty blah.  At times like these, I sure am glad for my log book.  It definitely helps keep me engaged and motivated when I least feel like it and just can’t be at the kwoon.

Off to bed, another busy day tomorrow.

Alana Regier

Monday 1 July 2013

Happy Canada Day!

Ahhh… finally inside where it is a little cooler!    After spending the morning and early afternoon at the Canada celebrations and battling junipers all afternoon (it was close but I won in the end), it is time to get out of the sun.  Maybe next time I can pick a hotter day to burn the dead branches. 

I’d like to say a big congrats to everyone who participated in today’s demo.  Great job getting lots of oo’s and ah’s from the spectators.  This is the first July long weekend I have actually been anywhere near Stony Plain.  We usually sneak our kids out of school a few days early and take off for the first holiday of the summer.  It was really nice being here this go around.  I’ve had a tough time getting into this year.  I have been guilty of spending too much time missing last year instead of embracing this one.   The past week preparing and today are exactly what I needed to refocus and get excited about this year. 

As we were waiting for the demo today, I couldn’t help but notice the relationships that have and are developing among the I Ho Chuan team.  Being a part of this team has given us all a chance to get to know each other outside of regular classes and is one of the coolest benefits of the I Ho Chuan.  It only makes sense that likeminded people would get along and like hanging out with one another J

Alana Regier


Monday 24 June 2013

Take The Time For People

For the last 3 years I have worked at a senior’s complex doing grounds maintenance for the summer months.  It’s a part time job that I enjoy.  Its outside (where I love to be) and doing work that even gives a little bit of a work out.  But the best part is the people.  What little it takes to give a smile or a wave or a moment of your time just to chat.  Friday alone, I stopped at least 6 times to visit with different people who live in the complex.  I admit it was hard not to keep looking up at the sky wondering if I was going to beat the next rain storm, but seeing the difference it makes in people’s faces made the possibility of even finishing in a monsoon worth it. 

The last year and a half I have very deliberately gone out of my way to make eye contact, smile and even strike up a conversation with complete strangers, no matter where I am.  My children are horrified some times and I can see them slowly move away with a look on their face of ‘I’m not with her.’ Yes, I have got a few odd looks but majority of the time it is a look of first surprise and then appreciation.  People like being talked to and acknowledged.  How many times I have seen people texting while going through a till at the grocery store and they don’t even have the courtesy to look up or acknowledge the person who is helping them! It truly is sad. I don’t believe that people take the time to notice anyone or anything around them anymore.  They seem so rushed to get to their next stop that they miss some cool opportunities to make someone’s day and to meet some great people.  I challenge everyone to take time for the people around you, the ones you know and even the ones you don’t know yet!

Alana Regier


Sunday 16 June 2013


It has caused me stress, sleepless nights and headaches.   I’m talking about guilt. The guilt of not being able to be in two places at once.  The guilt of having to make a choice between two things, both being equally important.  The guilt of disappointing someone or letting someone down.   The guilt of having to say ‘no’.  The guilt of doing something for myself.   I have been thinking an awful lot lately of the affect guilt has had in my life.  At times I have given it extreme power and allowed it to negatively impact what I do and how I do it.

 A few months ago I read an article that fit people into one of three categories depending on their personality traits.  I have to admit I don’t remember the whole article or even the other 2 categories, only the one in which I fit into; the ‘pleasers’.  I have to admit I don’t really care for the label but upon thinking about it, it fits.  I like helping people.  I like seeing others happy and content.  I am guilty of postponing or neglecting things for myself in order to please someone else.   Unfortunately this can get out of hand.  A person can be so immersed in trying to please others, trying to rid themselves of guilt and the feeling of falling short in their own eyes, that it can take over and leave a person exhausted and unhappy.

Is doing something out of a sense of guilt, done with the right heart?  Can it end up being more damaging than good in the end?  

I’m working on this one (adding it to my challenges).

Alana Regier

Monday 10 June 2013

I'm Still Here

 I’m feeling a little scrambled these days.  Last year seemed clear.  I knew what I wanted, what I had to do and was determined to get there.  After a very scheduled and full year, I had the great idea that it would be easy to just continue on with the momentum.  However, as the Year of the Dragon came to an end and the Year of the Snake began, my schedule and commitments changed.  With an entire family involved in a number of activities along with other family and community commitments and then the start of a new business,  I have had a hard time being able to make some classes and almost all of the demo practices.  With work being unpredictable and sometimes last minute, I haven’t been able to commit myself and don’t feel good signing up for things that I can’t guarantee I will be there for.  I am very much the type of girl who HATES signing up for something, only to have to say “sorry, but I can’t make it after all.”  Add in some physical aches and pains, and things seem a little chaotic at times. 

I still know what I want and where I want to be with my training and with life, it just seems that my path to reach my goals continually needs to be adjusted and altered.  I thrive in a scheduled and planned environment.  I like having a plan and love being able to cross things off my never ending list.  I am having to work really hard in adjusting my mindset and my willingness to roll with the punches. 

I just want to let the rest of the team know that I haven’t fallen off the radar.  Although I feel disconnected at times with not being able to be available for demos at this point, I’m still around and am still committed.  I do hope that things sometime soon offer some kind of scheduled life again, but until then I’ll do the best I can.

Alana Regier


Sunday 2 June 2013

Future I Ho Chuan Members?

After much practicing, the big day arrived.  Our youngest son and his friend (also a student at Silent River Kung Fu) had signed up, practiced and were ready to perform their sword form for the school talent show.  I was surprised to see not only our own son and his friend, but also three other Silent River students demonstrating their skills to a gym full of classmates, teachers and parents.  Although they all may have had a few butterflies, they all did fantastic!   I truly admire their excitement and courage to get up and demonstrate their skills without letting fear of failure get in the way.  I can’t help but think what a great opportunity they had and am so proud of them for jumping at the chance to share just a little piece of their art.  I had to smile thinking; here might just be five future I Ho Chuan members.  Good job ladies and gentlemen!

Alana Regier



Friday 24 May 2013

Ah...this old thing?

Why are there so many of us who have a hard time accepting a compliment?  Someone says “You sure look nice today”, and all we can say is “ah… this old thing?” Or someone compliments you on a job well done and the first thing out of your mouth is what you could have done to do it even better.  I am one of these people. 

 I was recently given a different perspective of a compliment.  A compliment can be seen as a gift.  It may not be wrapped in a box with a big red ribbon on it, but it is something given to someone that is meant to encourage and let a person know that what or how they  have done something is noticed, appreciated and makes a difference for someone.  We wouldn’t hand back a brightly wrapped gift why can’t we accept a ‘gift’ worth so much more?

I think it is important to compliment, whether to our children, spouse, co- workers etc.  Compliments have a power to push and encourage people to keep trying or to reach even further.  At the same time I think it is just as important to be a good receiver of compliments.  How we receive says a lot about us and has ability to show the difference a compliment can make. 

Looking at compliments now as ‘gifts’ has made me realize that how I respond to them is just as important as giving them.

Alana Regier


Monday 20 May 2013


Here I am pretty discouragedL. My shoulder has decided to start causing me more grief than usual. I’ve found myself back to a point where the simplest things are causing me pain and/or numbness. Holding a coffee cup (I know it’s not good for me anyway) and even vacuuming are proving to be a challenge (I’d say too bad on the vacuuming, but I like a clean house). This weekend our family took off for some quading, one of my favorite things to do, and even the steering and slight vibration were enough to cause numbness and suck all the strength in my arms. I have found myself getting little rest and even less sleep than usual and my body is starting to revolt.

I’m finding it pretty hard to and very discouraging to keep up with where I want to be with my challenges and my training. I’m finding things that worked at one time to relieve pain and increase strength are getting to be less effective, so I’m not sure where to go from here??? I am to a point where I have decided I may have to adjust some of my challenges a bit to keep them realistic and attainable and at the same time work to getting my body up to snuff. Quitting is not an option, just need to learn where I may need to step back and where I need to change my training and hopefully work on being able to get a good nights sleep.

Off to see if I can get in a little nap.

Alana Regier

Monday 13 May 2013

A Great Way to Turn 40!

Start with a trip to Mexico and end with a surprise birthday party with family and friends.   Throw in the ultimate treasure hunt (which included a pellet gun, water balloons, metal detector, sling shot and a search for a troll under a bridge – all leading to the most awesome nunchucks ever) and you have the makings of a great way to turn 40!

Saturday was the big 40 for me and I can honestly say, it’s just a number.  I’m happy with who and where I am in my life.  I have been abundantly blessed with family and friends who mean more to me than I could ever say.  At this point in my life, I have found myself on a path that is surprising me with opportunities every day.  Life is good!

As I looked around at the faces who shared Saturday with me, I realized that many were people I originally met at Silent River.  They were fellow students who I have sweated, laughed and cried with.  They were fellow students who have become great friends and an important part of my life. We shouldn’t underestimate the potential of the relationships we are making when we come together working as a team.  The people we surround ourselves with will have a bigger impact in our lives than we may think.  Thanks to everyone who helped make Saturday so special.

Alana Regier

Sunday 5 May 2013

Missing Demo :(

After missing 3 Fridays in a row, I was finally able to make it for the I Ho Chuan practice Friday night.  It was really great to see the demo the team has been working on for the last couple of weeks.  The crumby part is not being a part of this one.  I feel kind of left out, I know, what a baby.  The time spent preparing for demos last year was not only a lot of fun but was a great way to get to know other team members outside of normal classes.  Unfortunately this last month has been one in which I have been unable to make Thursday night practices and have been cutting it close to even get to black belt classes (have even missed a couple of those).  I very much understand the importance of attendance in order to be a part of a demo and really hope that life allows me the time to put to being a part of the next one.  It looks great guys!

Alana Regier


Thursday 2 May 2013

I Survived!

Well I am back with both feet on the ground (what a wonderful feeling).  I accomplished my goal of getting and staying on a plane without any crash landings or emergency stops because of the crazy lady pulling on the door handle trying to get out.  Although I can’t say that I loved the ride,  I did get an amazing view going over the Grand Canyon that will stay with me forever.  Our destination made it all worth it.  To leave 2 feet of snow still on the ground and go to 33 above with green grass and colors, smells and sounds that were beyond beautiful would force pretty much anyone to get on a plane.  Man have I been missing out! 

I have to admit I got a little behind on some requirements.  I’m playing catch up on some push ups and sit ups.  I found out that although a beautiful and peaceful place to do forms, the beach sand also is really hard to keep ones balance.  I decided against taking my broadsword in my luggage, may have raised some eyebrows and got me escorted to the back room.  Kilometers were awesome!   One day alone we put on 25km.  At the resort we were staying at, they were holding a National Karate Tournament with teams from Canada, US and Mexico.  Unfortunately they started as we were getting in a cab for the airport, but we did get to watch some of the practicing.  Very cool!  We had an absolutely great time!  We did decide that next time it would be a good idea to brush up on the Spanish (good idea to know more than where is the bathroom?).  Maybe start watching Dora the Explorer or better yet beg my sister in law for lessons. Oh Steph……

So now I am back to reality.  April was full of courses, got to go on a great holiday and now we are hitting the ground running with work.  I think it’s going to be a busy summer!

Adios for now,

Alana Regier





Saturday 20 April 2013

Meeting Challenge #4

For 40 years I have made excuse after excuse to avoid getting on a plane.  I have missed out on how many opportunities because of a ridiculous fear of something I have never even tried.  Well very early tomorrow morning I am biting the bullet and getting on my first plane ever.  I had actually put this down as one of my personal I Ho Chuan Challenges, but quite confidently thought to myself that I could get out of it easy with a very legitimate excuse (have to work, no babysitter, $...).  Up to this point I have stuck with holidays that I could drive to (or if need be, could have swam).  I have held back not only myself but my entire family from some great opportunities and experiences because I couldn’t go past my own back yard. 

Enough is enough!  I have finally decided that there are things I want to do, things I want to see, things I want to be a part of that are going to require me to get past this fear.  So I write this now when I should be sleeping.  We have to be at the airport for three in the morning but I can’t sleep, getting a little nervous the closer it gets! 

Alana Regier


Saturday 13 April 2013

How much information is too much?

Since my first I Ho Chuan meeting last year I have struggled with the question, how much is too much information? I'm not one who likes to talk a lot in front of others anyway, but when asked the question "how are you doing?", I have found it difficult to answer completely without revealing too much personal stuff going on in my life. I say the bare minimum. Like most people, I have personal things going on that either I don't feel comfortable sharing or that I doubt what is an appropriate time or place to share and with some things I'm just plain scared I may break down. The funny thing is, a lot of times its these personal struggles and distractions that hold us back from moving forward towards some great things. There is great comfort in being able to share with others who may have or may be going through similar struggles. What better place to reach out than with a group who cares, understands and may possibly be able to help?

I'd like to thank everyone who has had the courage to open up and been so honest as to the struggles they are having, trusting the rest of the team and allowing others the opportunity to learn and help. How can anyone help unless they are aware that someone needs it?

Alana Regier

Sunday 7 April 2013


Five days without coffee!  This is turning out to be a bit harder than I thought.  I miss the sound of my grinder with the feel of my ear muffs on my head (it’s a loud grinder) and waking up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning.  I’ve caught myself a couple of times, ready to order a coffee or grind some beans and with disappointment, reach for the tea bags or ask for a hot chocolate instead (definitely with a pout on my face). 

 It’s amazing how easy something can become a habit.  A person continues to repeatedly do something over and over until it becomes routine and part of their life.  When a person steps out of routine it’s easy to feel lost, like something is missing and incomplete.  Like having a cup (or 2) of coffee in the morning, when a person makes their training a part of their daily routine,  it becomes something you look forward to, something you enjoy and something you need to complete your day.  Plain and simple, it becomes a way of life and part of who you are. 

Making wise choices as to the things we decide to make habit and routine in our lives should be a priority. Everything from what we choose to eat, the words that we speak, how we spend our time, the time given to our training, and the list goes on, all help develop us into the people we become. 

Alana Regier


Sunday 31 March 2013

If you don't have anything nice to say...

This past week I started with my first course.  Our oldest son wanted to come with me in order to be qualified for working during the summer.  When we got to the classroom, Brandon was definitely the youngest and I was definitely the only female.    As we went through the morning jumping around Alberta Pipeline Regulations, Brandon’s book seemed to be missing a page.  It turned out he had just moved too far onto the next section (easy to do with all the legal jargon).  As we were dismissed for a quick break, the guy in front of me turned around, looked me in the eyes and asked “Was it him (pointing to Brandon) who couldn’t find the page or the dumb blonde (as he pointed to me)”?   What bugged me the most wasn’t what was said, I considered the source, but rather that I didn’t know how to respond.  I felt disappointed in myself that I couldn’t even say something semi-intelligent back to defend or stand up for myself.  I really couldn`t believe someone had the nerve to say something with so little thought to someone they didn`t even know.

What makes a person believe they have a right to vocally spit out rude, inappropriate and possibly hurtful words?  Do they understand the possible harm their words may have on another?  Are they truly that self-absorbed and unaware or just plain mean and don`t care about others around them?  I’ve come to the conclusion that I couldn’t respond because I don’t have the same nastiness and disrespect for people that some do.  I was raised to respect others and am doing my best to raise my kids the same way.  Like the saying goes, treat others how you want to be treated.  Or the other, if you don't have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut!

100% on the exam, not too bad for a dumb blond!  I sure showed him!

Alana Regier