Sunday 22 September 2013


Most of us had a hero we looked up to and mimicked when we were young.  It may have had you running around with a cape jumping off the couch arm or maybe with masking tape around your wrists, pretending to be Wonder Woman (ya that one was me).  What was true ‘back when I grew up’ is still alive today.  It can be seen everywhere around us, including the local grocery store with the little guys riding in carts with capes and a plastic sword or fairy wings and a magic wand.

Now that I’m grown, my ‘ heros’ come in a different form and are found in a variety of people.  They aren’t saving the world from mass destruction per say, but they are people who I admire, people who do things that make a difference, they are people who are following dreams before they are missed opportunities. 

This topic is one that came to me this week because of a friend and the incredible decision her and her family have made to leave everything that is familiar and safe to follow a dream they have had for years.  To make the very tough decisions and despite the fear, are embarking on a new and exciting adventure.  Fear is normal and I believe to some degree healthy.  What we fear, we respect.  It is when we allow fear to take over and cause panic and anxiety that we stop taking risks and we miss out on some awesome opportunities. 

I have been more than guilty of this many times in my life.  I find the older I get, the more aware I am becoming of the missed opportunities.  It would be unrealistic to think that I can change overnight and that I will no longer allow the fear of the unknown or the fear of failure to stand in my way.  However, as I become more aware I can make those baby steps.  I can start with some realistic and relatively safe steps, like getting on a plane!

I don’t know if this friend will happen to read this blog, but if she does I hope she knows how blessed I feel having her as a friend and how missed she will be by many! You might not fight crime or wear a mask with pointed ears, but you have many who admire you for what you are doing and wish you the absolute best.  Is it better to stay safe and live with regrets later?  I don’t believe it is, so you go girl!

Alana Regier


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