Monday, 2 April 2018

Patience & Faith

With unexpected and unwanted winter storms and mountains of snow that have over stayed their welcome, I have found myself working overtime to try to stay motivated with my training.  I’ve found myself reluctantly strapping on running shoes hoping not to be taken out by ice and the thought of working out in the basement is really not as appealing as in my dreams of green grass and sunshine. As I find myself in my own little pity party, I came across this excerpt in my reading.

“Cultivate patience and a faith that no matter how slow you go, you are still making progress and eventually will reach your destination, as long as you are moving forward.  Picture the Little Engine that could, chug chug chugging repeat, “I think I can, I think I can.” 

I love how words will present themselves at just the right time like they were handpicked for me. I have always and continue to struggle with accepting less than.  When I can’t or won’t meet an expectation I have set for myself I can easily become deflated, which most times results in a trickledown effect causing landslides around me.  So as I continue to move forward with my goals I am having to learn patience over and over again, yes I am a slow learner.  I need to have faith that as long as I continue to act on my intentions I will move forward even if it may be at the back of the pack. I need to accept there are things I can’t change or control but I can always choose how I react to them.  So as I continue to deal with constant knee and more recently neck issues I will continue to repeat “I think I can, I think I can” and keep chugging away.

Alana Regier


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