Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Changing Up Meal Time

Eating healthy and a well-balanced diet has always been important in our family.  As the main cook in our household (I use that term lightly) I have found myself in a rut when it comes to meal ideas.  In over 20 years I have had a tendency to stick to just a handful of recipe and meal ideas that to be honest, even I am bored of.  Now this is where I have turned to the dark side (as Mr. Mckee calls it) and grabbed onto technology.  One of my personal goals this year is to come up with and prepare at least one new recipe a week, and I have to say it is going over well.  Google, more specifically Pinterest has been my best friend.  If my family finds a recipe that has a picture that gets their salvia glands rocking, I find it emailed to me pronto. If I have a bunch of avocados I need to use or have taken chicken out for supper, all I have to do is punch in a word and out spits a hundred different options.  I really have no excuses now.

Along with this new recipe of the week, our family has been researching and changing things in our diets trying to find different foods that benefit us and our activities the most.  With different physical make ups, gender, age and energy output, we all seem to require a few tweaks in our food and drink intake compared to the next guy.  What works for one of us doesn’t necessarily work for everyone else, which makes perfect sense being that we are all built different.  Although we all may require different amounts of carbs, proteins and fats, there are some changes that we are making that agree with all of us.  Simple healthier choices like replacing miracle whip with greek yogurt or using apple sauce in place of butter in baking, are easy to do and taste great.

There is no shortage of diets and fads out there, in 45 years I have heard my share.  Instead of jumping on the band wagon of the newest and greatest way to lose 20lbs and have buns of steel, I think it is more important is to learn your own body and what you require to fuel and function to your greatest potential. 

Alana Regier

Picture of the week from this past weekend hiking in Jasper. 
With a view like this I really don't know why I come home.

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