Tuesday, 13 June 2017


Purslane is a plant found sometimes in great abudance, a weed to some and a plant with a purpose to others. It has succulent leaves and yellow flowers.  It may appear to be just another plant but what many may not know is that one plant is capable of producing 2,000,000 seeds that can stay viable for up to 40 years! Nature always amazes me with its ability to survive. 

In reading these tidbits I couldn't help but see a correlation to our acts of kindness.  Like the purslane plant, we as individuals have the capability of making a huge impact with each act of kindness we perform.  We may be just one lonely plant wondering some days if our actions ever really matter or if they have lasting impact that will reach beyond what we see directly in front of us today. There are many acts that we will never  directly see the impact we have made but I do believe that every act of kindness, every time we act honestly and with integrity and every time we put others before ourselves, there will be results that change lives. Every piece of garbage we pick up, every kind word we have for another or every worm, lady bug or ant we relocate, we make a difference. 

Like the one purslane plant that disperses 2,000,000 seeds and can hang around for 40 years waiting for optimum conditions to decide to sprout we too can continue to live a life that will have ever lasting effects for generations to come.

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