Wednesday, 7 June 2017

A Mountain Break

This past weekend found our family in my favorite place, the mountains.  As prepared as we thought we were, I was surprised to find as much snow on the trail as we did, almost up to my waist in some spots.  Our trail shoes and shorts may have looked a little out of place to some of those we met along the way. 

In everything I do, whether it is shovelling soil, hauling wood, parking a long distance from the door or climbing a mountain, I try to be aware of how I use my body and try to see the perks in every task, some tasks/activities being more fun than others.  This hike I focused on my breathing.  I made extra effort to breathe in completely through my nose and into my belly and exhale through my mouth.  For me I have a tendency to take about 3km to find my groove.  It seems to take this distance for me to fall into a comfortable rhythm and to get my breathing to a point where it is working to my body’s benefit.  I keep learning just how important using my breath properly changes how successful and how much I enjoy all activities. There is always something to be learnt from every task and activity we do if only we look and jump on the opportunities.  If they so happen to be in the mountains, well that’s a bonus!  Maybe we can move fitness classes to the fresh mountain air doing push ups, sit ups and a little bag work on our way to the peak, just saying …

Alana Regier                    


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