Saturday, 9 February 2019

I'm Batman

As I get older I see things differently than I did in my youth. Although youth offers the benefits of lasting energy, long term hopes and dreams, the feeling of having all the time in the world, believing we are invincible etc etc…, age and experience has given me gifts of a different kind. I am learning more patience, acceptance, need and benefits of modification, different more meaningful purpose, appreciation, value, priority shift, learning where I belong and a better idea of where I want to be, and these are just to name a few. 

Perspective for each of us varies. Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something completely different, walk away with an entirely different experience and be led in directions that vary. Life’s experiences, circumstances and the general make up of a person alter what and how one sees things. Although we may have our own personal reasons for seeing things the way we do, we also have a choice as to the eyes we see it through.  It may not always be easy; however, there is usually some way, somehow to put a positive spin on every experience, if we choose to.

The truth is, we limit our possibilities if we allow our perspective to be skewed in a negative direction. The reality is that things are never all rainbows and unicorns, but there is always something to be grateful for, and a positive perspective to be found, we just need to be open, aware and acknowledge it. Some may look at this idea as being ‘fake’, but I would have to disagree. I believe it’s making a conscious choice to look at the moment, the circumstance or the person and view it as an opportunity to change things in a positive direction. If we choose to dwell on and continue to feed a cycle of negative and ugly ideas, feelings and behaviours, nothing will ever change. Take the negative, learn from it and change it, making something good come out of it. Positivity is contagious but so is negativity!

Alana Regier

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