Monday, 1 October 2018

Vision determines our decisions

‘Vision focuses our decisions and our decisions determine our destiny’. This idea isn’t rocket science to me or a big ah ha statement but rather just a reminder. Our vision or goals, if kept at the forefront and genuinely pursued, will guide us in the decisions we make which will then determine how successful we will be. Are we setting goals with the hope of getting more but inefficiently using what we already possess? Take time for instance. Many of us say we want to have more time to _______. However, if we do not efficiently use the time we already possess, is it very realistic to believe we can somehow find more?  This has led me to examine my own life. Am I using the tools, resources, skills and opportunities available to and that I already possess to the best of my ability?  Are they in line with the goals I have set?  Better yet are my goals realistic?

A week ago I had a conversation with a dear friend as to a list of potential goals I would like to set and work towards in the near future.  Now my real motivation in sending her this list was so she could go over them, pick them apart and bring me down to earth.  I wanted and expected her to say ‘look Alana, I like what you want to do here but really girl, how realistic is this’?  My list was shooting for the stars in some respects in my own mind and I felt I needed to be brought back to reality, and I believed she was the girl to do that for me.  What I didn’t expect was her answer.  She actually refused to say anything I shot for was unrealistic and would not want to be responsible for limiting me and my potential. She is so right! What is realistic to one person is completely different to another. Some think more open minded and believe the sky is the limit, while others play more on the safe side and perhaps think too much and would rather stick to the comfortable. Our view of what is realistic can be so limiting depending on our perspective. Only we know how we feel, what we want and understand our circumstances. For this reason  I’ve found that seeking out people that I respect and trust with certain decisions I have has been of great value. Their opinions and advice have many times helped guide me in some tough decisions, not always the direction they intended or expected but was genuinely listened to and appreciated. What I have learned is that although I can listen to and see their point of view, it may not align with what I know is right for me.

Now my list of potential goals didn’t contain growing wings and learning to fly, so if asked if they are realistic, I would answer that differently now.  I'd be able to confidently say ABSOLUTELY!!!! However, there is a catch.  Beyond having that vision and setting those goals, I need to look hard at what in my life may be preventing me from accomplishing what I set out to.  What obstacles do I need to remove and am I willing to? Am I willing to put in what I need to in order to make my vision come alive?

It’s not going to happen overnight, but with each decision I make with my goals/vision in the forefront I will be put on track.  Taking one day at a time, one positive step each day with dedication and consistency will take me toward my vision, it will require some easy decisions but I also know I will need to be prepared for the tough ones.

Alana Regier                http:/


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