Sunday, 9 September 2018

Evaluating the Results

I have over the last few years made a point of reviewing the results of goals I have set for myself.  What I have and continue to learn in my kung fu and in my life experiences is that there is extreme value in evaluating the results. It truly is in this that you learn the most and have a better chance of success the next time around.

My first ‘list’ I made and actually wrote down in black and white, was in the late night hours after my black belt grading.  On that piece of paper I started with listing the things I did that I thought worked well for me and given the chance I would do again. Following that was the list of what didn’t work and what I would do differently.  Seeing just how much this self-evaluation helped me in choosing new goals as well as building on the goals I had made in the past, only encouraged me to continue and to make this part of my goal setting journey.

As valuable as I have found this tool/habit, I have found it easier to do with some goals over others. I’ve struggled with trying to figure this out and all I can come up with so far has been that it seems to be largely influenced by what is going on in my life at that time and whether my heart is really in the place that makes that goal a priority or of importance in that moment.  Is that goal serving me, mind, body and soul?  As I have revisited my goals throughout the year, I have observed that most of my ‘kung fu’ ones in the physical sense have suffered. However, what has been very evident to me is that the personal ones I have set for myself have actually come out quite strong with the added bonus of learning more and adding to what I had planned in directions I did not foresee. This I see as awesome and makes my year in my eyes a successful one.  I have been challenged, I have learnt and expanded on things I thought I understood and believed and through all this I have grown and gained some clearer clarification as to the direction I want to and need to go.  All this may be totally unobservable to the outside eye, but what is really important is what I know and am confident of in my own heart.

I am not sure of where all this will lead or where exactly I will land, but I am confident that it will be somewhere great and as long as I am willing and ready, it will result in a lifetime of adventures yet to come.

Alana Regier

As we have celebrated both our boys birthdays this past week, I have found many pictures of many adventures and memories!  This picture was from a few years ago at a favorite lake just outside Jasper. Here's to many more great memories and adventures.

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