Thursday, 8 March 2018


As I started a week late in the year of the dog, I started a week behind in blogging as well so… here goes number two!

Choosing personal goals for the year can be challenging in itself, however for me, it goes beyond a point of just choosing goals that speak to me and a way to measure them, to choosing goals that will be ones that I can sustain for a lifetime in one way or another.  I’ve learnt the hard way that I can accomplish goals I set, but without thought and a plan that will make them a permanent part of my lifestyle, they just become something to cross off a list, something that changed me for a moment but are just a memory from the good old days.  Although I have always learned a lot along the way in attaining these goals, this year I want to choose goals that yes I will accomplish but in a way that will enable me to continue on with them after the year is complete, continuing to build and bettering them as the years go by.  I want goals that challenge me today, change me each day and push me to continue to grow, taking it always to that next level.

Alana Regier



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