Sunday, 5 March 2017

Raise Em' Up

So often I look at my kids and think ‘where do you get that from?’  Sometimes it’s the witty comments or the mischievous look when they have been up to no good but then there are the moments they display compassion and empathy to a complete stranger, the leadership qualities they demonstrate or the commitment, determination and follow through they show towards goals they have set for themselves.  Then I take a look at the environment they have been raised in and realize they are a reflection of us as parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, coaches etc.  What I have done, how I have behaved and the words I have used have all been a part in building the foundation that have made them the young men I see before me.  They have confirmed for me that as a parent I have a huge opportunity and responsibility to influence change.  

I look at Kayden and I see how he dedicates himself to things he enjoys and is passionate about.  I see how he gives it his all in what he does, always striving to do the best he can and beyond. I admire how he stands up for what he believes and continues to lead by example in a world that is not always so receptive. I then look at my oldest son Brandon, who in his second year of college has received honors and scholarships for the hard work and continued dedication to his studies. He has stepped up into leadership roles at every opportunity given and acts with compassion, patience and kindness towards everyone along his path. I see him writing in his journal the km’s he has run, the strength training he has done and the food he has eaten every day and I stifle a giggle, poor guy he is just like his parents! His complete commitment and perseverance every day in order to reach some pretty major goals in his passion of ultra –running while balancing school, work and life totally wows me!

I look at these two young men and can’t help but feel proud and hugely inspired. My boys are confirming for me that in pursuit of overcoming mediocrity in my own life I am also impacting how they view the world around them and how they choose to live their own lives.  They weren’t born with or lucked out with these qualities; they were surrounded with them, encouraged and taught from an early age on. In all I do, I am passing on qualities (the good, bad and unfortunately ugly) that will help them in their own paths towards mastery.  The decision to be a part of the I Ho Chuan team isn’t one to take lightly.  It is a decision that whatever your accomplishments are come the end of the year, affects not only you but trickles down to all around you in one way or another.  Choose to live a life with character and integrity, one you want to see your kids, friends, neighbors, coworkers, team mates etc. mimic. So as Keith Urban said on my run last week “Raise em’ up trophy high, raise em’ up to the sky, raise em’ up tall and strong, raise em’up right from wrong.”

Alana Regier

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