Monday, 6 February 2017


Ten o’clock on a Saturday night and I fall into bed exhausted.  Surely I will fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.  Wrong!  I fall into bed alright but instantly my mind starts racing.  The end of March on my mind, the date to have version 1 of our weapons forms ready.  Yikes!  So instead of sleep I found myself trying to visualize just what I could do with this weapon.  Trying not to wake Darcy by flopping around with a pretend bokken and scared that by morning I wasn’t going to remember these cool midnight thoughts, I got up and stumbled in the dark for a piece of paper and an pen and scribbled what I was sure was true brilliance! 

Well morning came and as I tried to decipher my own writing and grabbed my bokken, things didn’t flow and work together quite as well as they did in the middle of the night.  Okay, back to square one, that’s alright, it’s a process.

Not that I can afford to or like losing sleep, but deadlines work for me.  Having a date set puts intentions and plans into motion and gets things done.  Knowing that I have a team that is holding me accountable helps light the fire a little hotter.  I believe in order for goals to be successful a date or deadline is needed.  Any open ended plan gives room for excuses and kills motivation; making plans, goals and intentions easy to put to the side for later or permanently.

Most of this year’s team are returning from past years and know that this is just the beginning.  The expectation isn’t to have this perfected and final product but rather the opportunity to show that we are following through with our commitments and are engaged with what we have set out to do this year. With a team this size each having their own unique, imaginative and possible ideas, I look forward to seeing each one of the roosters version 1, especially those frying pans!

Alana Regier


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