Tuesday, 17 June 2014

End of a Season

Here we are already, coming to the end of the soccer season and hopefully the beginning of a beautiful summer holiday.  May and June have been dedicated to Kayden’s soccer.   Out of all 7 days of the week, his practices, games and even tournaments have landed on his Kung Fu days.  At the beginning of May I tried to at least get to Mondays (we had 15 minutes to spare between practice and Kung Fu) but found it pushing across a line of burn out and exhaustion.  To run from work to Kung Fu, drive directly to the soccer field, oh ya forgot supper again and really not sure where to fit in homework and studying for final exams and of course the projects and chores at home; something had to give.  I found out there sometimes is not a way to fit everything in. 

The last couple of months have been interesting with eye opening moments.  For a while now we have struggled with keeping our son interested and engaged in his Kung Fu.  It truly had become something he really was only doing for his parents.  I am well aware that kids don’t always know what is best for them and can sometimes not see the big picture and the benefits in something later on.  However, watching my son this past two months totally and completely engaged, excited and full of pure joy playing soccer has really helped me see that where my interests and passions may lie are not going to be the same for my children.  I am now seeing a young man who has found something he is passionate about, something he enjoys and quite frankly something he is extremely good at. 

I do still hope that he will come back to training in his Kung Fu, but at the same time want it to be a decision he makes for himself because he finds the value in it.  Even at 11 years old he realizes he has learned more than the kicking and punching.  He has learned skills and been given tools that are going to help him be successful in every aspect of his life.  He has learned an appreciation for things that make a difference in the world around him daily, whether it is helping keep our environment clean, awareness and fundraising for different groups and organizations or just the importance of acting with purpose, integrity and respect in all that he does.   

In short, I hope he knows how very proud of him I am and that I will respect, support and encourage him always J

Alana Regier


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