Monday, 7 April 2014

Setting Examples

If someone ever tells me that my actions, words and habits do not affect my children’s choices, I will have to very strongly disagree.  I have proof! 

Two weeks ago our son brought home a note from the principle.  Yikes!  Reluctantly I took the envelope, wiped my sweaty hands and I sat down, bracing myself for the news.  It simply read:

 “ Dear Kayden, I understand you have been helping keep our school clean and setting a great example for others!  Thank you, Mr. Hetherington.”

 I guess Darcy and my daily walks with one bag for garbage and one for recyclables have passed on to the next generation.  He is a chip off the old blocks!  This wasn’t something he learned from TV or in his classes at school but rather from the example set at home.

If that isn’t enough to convince you, last night our family dug up old videos from when the kids were young.  One tape was of our youngest son and Darcy doing Hsieh Chien.  Yes, his technique needed improvement, he might have missed a few of the words and maybe his attention got a little diverted, but he was only 2 years old!  Even at that young he was following in the footsteps of someone he loved and respected. 

As we continued going through video clips, one surfaced from Kayden’s first kung fu class at 2½ years old.  As we watched and laughed, we noticed that out of the entire class of these little guys, there were four familiar faces that happen to still be continuing in their training at Silent River.  Funny, but not surprising, was that all four of these kids happen to have parents who to this day are active Silent River students. 

So what does this all say? Quite simply, we are helping build the next generation.  We are responsible for teaching healthy, respectful and thoughtful actions.  It is our job to set a positive example in all we do and at the same time step up and be accountable for the mistakes we make.

Alana Regier


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