Monday, 18 February 2013

2 Days Later

I have to admit that I came home Saturday night on a little bit of a high (no I didn’t wear my belt over my jammies to bed).  I thought I would for sure sleep like a baby.  Instead I was wide awake until after 2:00am.  When I finally did dose off, I woke up dreaming Kempo and nunchuks.  I can’t believe the year is over!

After spending so many hours practicing and juggling schedules the last year,  I have more moments of calm and will have less grill cheese sandwiches and cereal with yogurt and fruit for supper on the run (I don’t care to see another grill cheese for quite some time).  It’s feeling a little strange to plan my week and realize that I have a few extra hours that I haven’t had for a while, time to get some projects done that I have gotten a little behind on and to spend some needed time with my family.

So now I think I can officially say it is a new year and time to attack my new challenges and goals and to start back to zero on my numbers.  This year is going to be great!  I’d like to thank everyone who was a part of Saturday night and to all who helped to make it a wonderful night for a lot of people (myself included). 

 Thanks everyone!

Alana Regier


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