Monday, 17 September 2012


Procrastinator is not usually a word that could be used to describe me.  I am usually quite the opposite.   My day is a better day as soon as I get the ‘have to get done’ things out of the way or I have been able to scratch some things off my list.  At the beginning of every month I have gone over what the Sihings next month’s assignment is and have, for the most part, used my days wisely.  I have always had the next assignment completed at least a week before the actual due date, most times earlier.  So I was quite out of my realm when I found myself getting a little too close for comfort to the due date for one of the last assignments.  In all honesty, it was an assignment that I had attempted to get at quite some time before the actual due date.  However, it was one that I had a hard time with and found myself struggling, so I put it off.  During the 2 weeks before it was due, I was very stressed and felt under pressure (all self-inflicted).  I learnt (and so did my kids) that it doesn’t pay to put things off.  The more I struggle with things, usually means that I need to give it even more time, not push it off and try to squeeze it into a smaller time frame. 

 I totally respect and appreciate deadlines.  Without them things would be unorganized and chaotic.  The deadlines given to Silent Rivers students are for a purpose and are to benefit not only ourselves as students but our instructors.  For ourselves we learn responsibility and a higher level of commitment.    By meeting the deadlines we show respect and appreciation for the time and dedication our instructors give to us and our training. 

Although some people can and some may even thrive with doing things last minute, I am not one of these people.  In the end this has been another great learning experience for me.  I messed up, plain and simple.  I went against everything in my personality and paid the consequences for it; exhaustion (because of late nights) and unnecessary stress.


Alana Regier



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