Sunday, 15 April 2012

Yesterday's Meeting

 At the beginning of the I Ho Chuan, I seemed focused on getting my numbers every day, to the point where it kind of stressed me out.  In the meeting before yesterdays, I finally understood the idea of the push ups and sit ups; to keep us engaged.  Understanding that totally changed how I approached them and the value I saw in them.  They truly don’t stress me out anymore.  I have my log book on the counter every day all day, and as I walk by I go down for 50.  Being that there is more than one person in our house hold on the team, we push each other.  I see Darcy go down, I go down.  When he is out of town, I’ll send a note “how about joining me for push ups?”  Down we both go, or so I think (just kidding, I know he does). 

So I got that sorted out, now to the never ending list of things I need to work on.  In the meeting I mentioned my list that gets longer after every class as I realize all the things I need to correct and improve.  Well I have taken Sifu Brinker’s advice and picked one thing that I am going to focus on.  When I look at ‘the list’ I can see the connection that this one thing has with many others on ‘the list.’  By focusing on this one thing, I will also be working on a number of others at the same time; therefore, my list gets shorter, yah!

I am still the one that sits quiet in the corner listening to everyone tell their story.  In my mind, thinking I am the only one feeling the way I do or struggling with certain things in my training.   As I sat in yesterday’s meeting listening to where everyone was both physically and mentally, there was something from everyone that I could say “me too”; everything from saying no to the cookie yelling at me, to suffering from fatigue.   Surrounding ourselves with likeminded people, with similar interests and goals also seems to surround ourselves with people with similar challenges.  I found it quite uplifting to see how a group of people, a team, come together to support and encourage each other.  I also saw that there was not one thing mentioned that someone else had not also experienced at one point.  Everyone was so willing to offer suggestions and words of encouragement.  It truly makes a person glad to be a part of something so positive!

A big thanks!

Alana Regier