A bad run is a
great run! Yup, doesn’t make much sense at first glance, however, if you stop
to think on it, it makes perfect sense.
It means I didn’t sit on the couch
watching TV
It means I didn’t make an excuse
It means I strapped on my shoes when
I least felt like it
It means I challenged and pushed myself
It means my
goals have meaning to me
It means I want to succeed
It means I want to be
better today than I was yesterday
It means I ignored the voice discouraging
It means I believe I am capable
It means I learnt something new today
means I did not quit!
were less than ideal, I felt unrested, my knee needed persuasion, I ran with a pack of kleenexes because of snow molds and dust and I didn’t
go as long and as far as planned the night before. However, from another angle, the sun was
shining, the birds singing, I am able and in pursuit of a goal important to me
and for that and much more, I am grateful. All this put together makes for a
great run!
As the saying
goes, ‘the summits mean little without the valleys.’
Alana Regier